Now consider our way of life. For those of us who work outside the home, means waking with the sun, perhaps sooner. Take the children to give them a bowl of sugary cereal, Ables drop a lunch, a few chips and a cookie in a bag for their lunch, a pint cup of coffee, maybe some pasta, too, and head out the door .
Get the job, another cup of coffee and maybe a candy bar or a donut store up to noon. Arrive at lunchtime, you hop in the car and drive to the nearest fast foodInstead of eating, take a burger and fries, maybe a diet soda to wash it down, then back to work. Your energy is flag after lunch, so how about a cup of coffee? Or maybe another candy bar or a few chips to give a boost.
End of the day, home at last! But, aha! My husband and children are hungry and want to know what's for dinner. Even if you are tired after a busy day, you wake up, look in the freezer, and oh, thank God, there is a pizza in there. You pop in the oven for 1 / 2hour. Maybe you're not so tired, so he opens a bag of salad mix, pour a few bottles of dressing and dinner is served. Maybe dinner is a box, a can, a piece of meat and some frozen vegetables. After dinner, the children left to themselves. Perhaps they do their homework, or are in front of the TV until bedtime.
Perhaps, after a big meal, you must go out again to take the kids to soccer practice, or there is a meeting of parents, etc. sip coffee and otherHurry to get there in time. Until you get home, you just want to crawl in bed and close your eyes.
If you are lucky enough to be a stay at home parents, your program might be slightly different. Maybe you're one of those incredibly organized, and that indeed the time, some Quaker oats for breakfast, a few slices of toast with butter and some fruit juice and coffee. Perhaps your lunch quick salad food, dressing and some croutons. They are no lessrushed to meet deadlines and your eating habits can be very similar.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
There is no diet 'a' that is right for everyone. However, there are many similarities in the choices that Americans do. To get started, even people from other countries to choose from, and suffer the effects of the American diet (SAD), after a while '. The ease and convenience of opening packets of processed foods is to create hard to beat. They also tend to be low in priceand taste pretty good.
Were when the American consumer, we are committed to food, the dead, anonymous agents, bleached, tilled soil, dyed, breaded, seasoned, strained, mixed, open and well-sanitized beyond resemblance, become whole, foods tension. This offers little pre-digested mass of nutrient-poor calories. Eating French bread and a spoonful of sugar would provide about the same feeling of fullness, calories and nutrition and would be easier, in fact,faster for those who are conscious of time, serve.
WE are what we eat. There is no way to escape this fact. The food is the fuel we use our bodies to overcome the day. It 'absolutely necessary for our survival. The higher the quality of the food, the greater is our ability to function.
For example, I would like to tell my neighbors. We have been friends for over 30 years, and is driven simultaneously used Datsun 1982 while most of the time.
Incredibly, the car still seemsand proceeds to show in the next room to perfection. This was not an expensive car to start, but my friend from day one he treated as if it is very popular, precious son.
He regularly cleaned inside and out, and use only the highest quality of fuels, lubricants and fluids available. As a result, has a car, the look and functionality of my rivals are now five years. old car that I bought brand new. Even if my car is still in good condition, is showing signs ofAging pain. Needless to say, I have always been available to fuel my car.
Think about it. How often do you see a Mercedes or Lexus driver to fill the place with good local market? In my city, I tend to look at them for the most expensive gas stations. Why? Just because they can afford and someone needs to go? I do not think so. After that Dad was a mechanic, I think it's because their cars are working better fuel quality than the Saturn, VW commercial vehicles and requirementsTo drive the rest of us. If these drivers are used to cheaper fuels, this is going to cause death in the engine compartment due to corrosion, hooves, abandonment and so on.
Your body - even if you do not drive a Mercedes, lives in one. Due to the continuous supply of fuel poor body, we have prepared the ground for the same type of event - corrosion, hooves, abandonment and so on.
Unfortunately this article is not yet long enough to go all the biochemical reasons why it is so, but we hope toTouch base enough to make it clear.
Does your family eat one or more servings each day of the following: white bread, pasta, white flour, coffee, biscuits / crisps / snacks of all kinds, jams sweetened cereals, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits, rice, fried foods, / jellies, Fast food, the restaurant's kitchen?
Let me ask you or family members suffer from homes of low energy or fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, confusion, grouchiness or irritability, bloating, stress, frequent disease, PMS,Weight gain, poor concentration, headaches, or take a long time between meals?
We try to address the problem first. If you drive the car, you need the size of the gas, go to the 'E', and you continue? Of course not, the car would not be. Let our bodies in the past, the "E" go, and we can also use it for our children.
Once fed properly, we always start in almost empty aprox.3-4 hours. For people with a high metabolism (the burning of fuels), as mostChildren can use the shorter time 2-3 hours.
I know that children on the school bus for at least 1 hour before they reach the school. Depending on how shortly before boarding the bus, actually eat, increase the time. His little body is long past the need to refuel before giving lessons. But they are the best to carry up to several hours before a break. When you are young, it breaks to play with friends and run around burningmore fuel. Even for older children, often stopping to eat does not include time.
We do this to us as adults, too. The food is often inconvenient, is not available, you may have concerns about weight gain, or we do not feel we have the time to stop and eat.
Repeat this pattern over and over again said that the bodies of our food is scarce, and therefore needs to save what it receives. Adults tend to gain weight, even after reducing the amount of food eaten. MoreChildren burn before it can be saved. If they burn too much, the body moves food from bones, muscles and brain, potentially leaving the child with a deficiency of essential nutrients.
These deficiencies are set to perform weight and health problems, which for the third decade of life. From the sixth decade, can unnecessary suffering from declining health, manifests, and even premature death.
Consistently eating devitalized foods, processed and packaged at the doorBlood sugar regulation problems, such as hypoglycemia or diabetes, hormonal disorders, excessive weight gain or loss, confusion, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, depression, mood swings, digestive disorders, heart problems, high cholesterol and a host of other medical problems.
When asked: "What's for dinner?" How many of you through the name of the meat that is ready to respond to this? How many of you say, "chicken with rice and broccoli," or say "Broccoli with RiceChicken Little "?
Protein deficiency is virtually nonexistent in developed countries. Although the shortage is remotely possible, you should eat more concerned about quality, not quantity of proteins it. Even a total elimination of carbohydrates from the diet would be determined ultimately lead to death.
And 'Here the misunderstanding comes in. carbohydrate carbohydrates have a very bad reputation in the fields of health messages they are today. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel, we mustmake it through each day. This does not negate the importance of protein or fat, but we Americans tend to be fat / protein content make it the focus of our meals with carbohydrates irrelevant.
"Eat to lose to eliminate a lot of protein and carbohydrates from your diet for better health and weight." People say, This is only partially correct.
There are actually two types of carbohydrates - complex carbohydrates and simple. It 'true that if you eliminate all simple carbohydrates from the diet,lead to better health and weight loss. But they are complex carbohydrates to keep your body going.
Simple carbohydrates are those that directly increase the level of sugar in the blood. Sources of simple carbohydrates include all processed, packed, non-meat products. Examples: white bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, box-mix of potatoes and pasta, white rice, and all the foods I listed above. These are applications from any devitalized nutrients so that they are equivalent toJust eat sugar! We eat it, it increases our level of blood sugar immediately, we feel satisfied and full of energy, or surprisingly sleep.
The Sugar Rush raises some of our internal systems in absolute chaos. 'Rocker' these systems back and forth trying to accommodate this flow, and are rarely able to do. If it continues, this mechanism leads 'swing', a series of intra-system failures. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but there is a certain fact that there will be health problems forthose who continue to eat this way.
What is the solution?
Complex carbohydrates. These are whole foods our bodies designed to exploit them. Examples: fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals (whole!), legumes (beans), nuts, seeds, roots - each plant is a complex carbohydrate food, some also contain fat and protein.
These are fully compatible with our inner life. Our bodies were designed to assimilate and use these foods. These foods still turn into sugar in ourBody. This is good, because that fuels sugar there.
The big difference is the operative phrase 'sugar', which means that our body is able to go through a process of converting these foods for sugar should not happen right away, with sugar as a direct or simple ... But of carbohydrates the body goes through a series of activities during the conversion to make these sugars are absorbed into a natural rate - as a time capsule release.
This activity provides aRelease of blood sugar, which maintains a constant level of energy, not just splash and crash. Complex carbohydrates are less likely to produce an overabundance of sugar in the blood - as well as simple carbohydrates - which is then converted into fat.
Fiber is also something that every body needs to facilitate a proper detoxification and excretion. We tend to choose foods rich in fibers high-fat/low. Meat, fat and simple carbohydrates offer little in terms of anythe fiber. Instead, these foods tend to clog and block the channels throughout the body, particularly but not exclusively, limited gut and arteries.
Accumulation of plaque and cholesterol in the linings of these canals, and finally they do, if not properly "cleaned" with fiber block. The disease manifests itself as the end result of clogged arteries, or atherosclerosis, heart problems, bowel / colon / other cancer, colitis, diabetes, liver disease, gall bladder attacks, and many, many other diseases.
ByEliminate processed foods and eat whole fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains, add fiber to your diet useful, and so support the cleaning process. Bowel habits will improve your digestive system. Only to improve the lot of improvements in these two systems dysfunction on the part of adults and children face. Examples: constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, memory problems, some learning difficulties, and many others.
Picture if you will, a tube of Jimmy Dean sausage. NowI imagine that you cut off the top of the tube. Push the contents and observe their consistency. Check the notice next to the inside of the tube is blocked and lumps of meat and fat on the walls of the tube.
Now imagine your blood vessels. Through this section and squeeze the contents. Of course, outside the blood, but what else? Chances are, if you're like most of us who have lived on the SAD you see lumps, or as a dense set of Jimmy Dean, like stuff that comes outwell. In view of the lining of this ship, you see patches of sticky substance that clung to the inside walls of the container. If you are too clogged, blood can also be difficult to push its way into this crowd. Gross, right?
You have the power to cancel this mess before it's too late, and it always does, to prevent your children. The solution is simple enough, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, cereals, nuts, seeds, of a complexCarbohydrates.
As a brillo pad in a bottle, fiber scour the arteries and the bowel. A big advantage is the absorption of nutrients needed to increase the creation of flora and fauna of food aid, and a general feeling of improved health. If you already suffer from a disease "block", you can also start on the path of natural healing of your body.
Powdered fiber pills and mix everything well, perhaps even necessary, to regain movement inotherwise locked systems. But why spend your money on these products, if help is available simply by eating right?
Although protein and fat have very different functions in the body, decisions that often serve our proportionate.
Many people eat large quantities of meat for all their reasons. Presumably to increase your protein intake. Some of these people and others to integrate, improve their meals with protein powder, to return to their protein intake.
Iif not, protein is bad for you, but I repeat what I said before, the lack of protein is in the area is not available in this country (USA). Much more common are the diseases that develop from too much or the wrong type of protein. Excessive consumption of these biologically available "wrong kind" of protein and fat may lead to the Jimmy Dean-like diseases that cause we talked about earlier.
Fats are also necessary, such as proteins. Once again, we have over-consumption, and are vulnerable to selectionFats that actually harm our health to those who help us to heal.
The fats are usually solid, liquid, oil, or somewhere in between. If you want to use the fat is solid at room temperature, do you really think that in your body? It will consolidate, or be in your body. Here, too, will clog the streets of the vital body. In general, if the oil solidifies at any temperature, you can stop to consider its use in your diet.
An oil that solidifies, but not in autumnthe area of "bad" is the olive oil. In fact, olive oil is not the only oil that raised controversy about its health benefits. All experts agree that olive oil is good for you. Next choice would be sesame and corn oil. But there were questions over the previous year for the corn oil as well.
Heat, light and air, oil decomposition. The treatment is carried out usually performed at elevated temperatures for most of the oils, so that the nutrients may have been present initially, exhausted and on their wayto become rancid. Packaged in a lightweight, clear plastic bottles, stored at temperatures ranging from cold to hot, or for a longer time before reaching the consumer, this increases rancid.
Virgin or extra virgin olive oil is the best choice. Try to make the transition to use butter, use olive oil. Mix the butter with the olive oil reduces the content of "bad" fats in butter, which is normally obtained, and improves the quantity of good oil. Start adding small amounts of mixture into a building 1/2-1/2.Olive oil or replace all together!
In addition to this, for oils, expeller cold-pressed look, and preferably in a bottle of colored glass. For those who want the budget, you could explore the virtues of the more expensive oils such as flax, hemp or almond oil. Walnut is one of my favorites. These add a wonderful nutty flavor of your food, providing essential fatty acids in the diet. They can also be used as you would olive oil.
Structurally at the molecular level,Fat, heal than those that are harmful. The addition of good olive oil, the diet helps in many ways. Lock and lock the harmful fats healthy oils help break the hooves, the management systems to support more freely.
I could be a whole presentation on the effects of different fats and oils on the body.
Given the length of the article to work with, let me push a house, a single point in relation to your choice of oils.
**** Avoid, as far as possible, everyOil or food that contains "hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated" word as part of its ingredients or process .****
Unfortunately, this process is not always listed on labels. However, when the oil or fat you are considering came into view with a bottle, even though it says 100% pure, it is best to avoid them, and choose a course of preparation for the oil in a dark glass bottle .
This is contrary to the choice of butter to margarine. Margarine is a blend ofhydrogenated oils, and butter, at least, coming from a less elaborate. Butter also tolerates the high baking temperatures with fewer toxic side effects than most margarine and edible oils such as olive oil. Sesame is a better choice for cooking, as it degrades at high heat, less than most oils.
This does not mean everyone should start eating the butter, the most common source of fat. Eating too much of a food increases the likelihood of disease outbreak hood.Instead, I propose, butter, sesame and olive oil are simply a better choice than highly processed, refined oils. However, to reduce or eliminate fried or fatty foods otherwise difficult still is the best choice. Use these additional fat sparingly and preferably without the addition of heat in the production process.
For example, if you cook the meat at the moment, consider steaming, baking, roasting or boiling instead. If you fry the vegetables in most of your oil, you should water,Soy sauce, tamari, mirin, broth or other liquid, instead of oil. The purpose of the 'oil in a pan stirring to prevent sticking to the pan. Other liquids have the same effect, add flavor, maybe even more nutrients and elimination of oxidative damage to the oil over moderate heat.
I'm sure that all people are vegetarians? Not at all. Meat as a protein source can be a good thing in the diet, and for some people is absolutely essential. Fats are essential forour survival, too. However, the quantity and quality is consumed, that question. Back to: chicken with broccoli or broccoli with chicken.
The average service meat should weigh about 3 ounces for an adult. But we, as eaters of SAD, eating portions of up to 16 or more grams per meal, the occasional addition of other fats to it, such as cheese, mayonnaise, margarine. Often, similar amounts are served at every meal. This goes far beyond the quantities and can process and use our bodies.
During abody is healthy, protein needs only around 15-20% of the diet. Fats are another 20-25%, and complex carbohydrates is 60% of the diet. This is the basic need for survival in good health. A person with health problems require different percentages, as more carbohydrates and more fat for cleaning / proteins to build the system in some diseases.
If we take an honest look in our normal diet, most of us realize that too much protein, fat, and eatingsimple carbohydrates. Moderation and variety are important concepts to convey to you I must.
The consumption of processed foods in health have a more significant impact. As mentioned, these foods are devitalized and dead. No matter how good the ingredients were at first, when they are truncated in this way, they are without any enzymatic activity. Enzymes are an essential part of digestion and nutrient absorption. Without them, food is only in the digestive tract.If possible, the body is trying to extract the nutrients that you can find and discard the rest as waste products, or store it as fat in vital organs. The reintroduction of whole foods for the body to restore balance and enzyme function.
Remember the TV commercial for laundry or other cleaning agents with "scrubbing bubbles" and active enzymes. This demonstrates the need for enzyme activity to "eat" the protein that can cause stains in our clothes. A similar process is necessary for ourDigestion of foods to avoid "gray linen build-up" in the body color. This is more simple, but hopefully will for you in an enzyme instead.
Dairy products also play an important role for most of the diet. There are some benefits to the consumption of dairy products. Calcium and protein in dairy products are available at a minimum. Products such as live-culture yogurt, kefir and acidophilus to help restore the good intestinal flora and fauna.
Believes, however,the fact that the vast majority of the population is allergic to milk to a certain level. In children and adults often results in nasal congestion, that most of us blame the pollen and flowering plants. For some children and adults, often manifests as lactose intolerance causes bloating and wind, or even worse.
Even if our children think it's cute to get a lot of attention to produce a sound, this capacity is often the result of not digest these foods. Consideralso this: As humans we are the only mammals known to consume the milk of other mammals, and the only species that continue this practice after weaning and in adulthood.
The milk that we produce milk on supermarket shelves just as good as what the cow eats. If a part is that the diet include antibiotics, hormones, chemicals or genetically modified feed, will be residues in milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, sour cream produced, etc..
There are organicRaw milk versions and versions of each product. There are also a variety of other types of soy milk (my favorite), almond, rice, etc. Other popular dairy products are also using alternative forms of milk.
Finally, you can not say enough water. Water hydrates, purifies and helps transport of important chemicals in the body. We can live longer without food that without water. And 'one of the most important elements we have in our body.Children can be taught easily, like drinking water with juice as an occasional treat. Soda, Kool-Aid and other drinks is really no place in a healthy diet and are responsible to contribute to many serious health problems within our society.
Water is an important part of what we do as human beings. And 'essentially a life-giving power. On this basis, keeping the water the family drinks. In our country, tap water is generally safe to drink. However, this canbe adversely affected by environmental toxins and pollutants leaching into our groundwater. Some have been removed and others do not. Therefore, I plead with filtered water or bottled water, if possible, both for drinking and cooking.
If you are generally healthy, no one should stop eating anything. Many of those "bad" things than just good taste. Why would you need to live?
If you have health problems that require a special diet, such as diabetes have, no foodwill cause serious damage if eaten only occasionally. The key is to increase by an article in the diet, not take away. You can tell when improving your diet, you are not the lower quality food feeling. Once your system is to eat healthy food in a timely manner can not find more "junk food" pleasantly air conditioned. Funny how it works.
So you spend a little 'more, and maybe even a little' more money in planning menus and shopping lists. SaveMoney elsewhere. The fuel is needed and your family should be of higher grade. The overall benefits for you and your families can not be beaten. Furthermore, you owe it to yourself!
© 2004, Thorp, E., CNE, CDC, CLPT; Nutribytes; Wintu WORKS, CA